Friday, January 3, 2014

Abdominal Exercises

          Prosperity and Health go hand in hand a long way. Doing regular exercise is one the way to be healthy. Building muscles is a part of keeping fit. Abdominal muscles can be built by undertaking certain abdominal exercises; one of those is a Hanging Oblique knee raise exercises. Abdominal exercises help in sports, back pain and also facing any kind of abdominal impacts like punches.

            The Hanging Oblique knee raises exercise increases the vigour of abs, core and the hip flexors muscles. In this exercise because of the rotation the obliques are tightened, obliques are on the side of stomach and these are largest and outermost of the flat muscles in the anterior abdomen. In this exercise the pull ups help on major body muscles of upper part like latissimus dorsi, biceps and the pectorals. During your normal ab workout, use a pull-up bar in order to work on your oblique and rectus of lower abdomen.

            The oblique muscles are import for compression and cavity of abdomen, it helps in increasing the pressure of abdomen, and these also contribute to flexibility and rotation of the vertebral column. Contraction of one side of oblique creates a lateral flex. This exercise strengthens these muscles, which are very vital for overall flexibility of our body; you can also wear ankle weights during this exercise.

            It is important to do this exercise in correct manner, during the entire period of doing the exercise try to keep core tight. Maintain the posture of your knees and avoid swinging them.
            One of the problems seen during such type of abdominal exercises is that people tend to loose the balance and focus is not maintained. It is very important to maintain balance during the exercise.

            A regular sets and reps are important to achieve the desired results from Hanging Oblique Knee Raises.

Starting the Exercise: Get hold of a pull-up bar and hang from it with distance between arms around one-and-a-half feet apart and bent your knees slightly keeping the body straight.
-          Curl the knees and exhale, keeping your knees 6 in above your waist, now twist your abdomen turn-by-turn on left and then right side while keeping the whole of your body straight.
-          Inhale deeply, then slowly steadily bring your knees and abdomen to the start position.
-          Repeat this exercise for alternate sets
-          Normally you can have 3 sets each of 12 reps

Have a healthy Life !

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